Vaccinations! Both dog and cat vaccinations need to have been administered at least two weeks prior to boarding! The minimum requirement is F3 for cats & C5 for dogs.

Ukrainian Ceremony Practices

A Ukrainian marriage is an event that combines both national and religious cultures. It is a great, complex festival with many significant rituals and customs ukraine date.

The service begins with the conventional relationship, when the man goes to the bride’s parents ( for same- sex or genderqueer couples this is done with both sets of parents ) with a bottle of horilka asking for her hand in marriage. The vicar’s community and older married gentlemen called starosty accompany him. If the parents accept the commitment, the wedding drapes a rushnyk around her partner- to- been and they all drink horilka collectively.

Before the temple ceremony, the bride and groom receive gifts from their families and guardians during a standard ceremony known as Blahoslovenja. They arrow and trade presents, quite as wedding bread called korovai that indicates life and reproduction. During this part of the ceremony, it is also popular to present the few with a set of religious images that they must area at home and take care of, as a symbol of their fresh obligations.

As the couple exits the ceremony hall, they are presented with a towel that has been nicely decorated. They are supposed to step on it and superstition says that whoever steps on it first heads the household.

Once the wedding celebrations are over, it is common for the newlyweds to spend a few days at their parents ‘ houses. They are showered with gifts and pampered by their family and friends. During this time it is customary to play some light- hearted games like putting a towel on their heads and running through the house or throwing salt at each other. This helps to relax the atmosphere and prepare for their married life.